ReBullying Logo

In a world that constantly seeks inspiration and transformation, there’s a story that defies expectations and redefines the way we perceive adversity and bullying. It’s a tale of two individuals who turned their traumatic past into a powerful message of resilience, empathy, and change.

An important story brilliantly told. Bryan and Clinton's conversation navigates this tough subject with compassion and eloquence. Recommended for businesses and schools alike.
Richard Mulholland, Global Speaker
Founder: Missing Link
It was brave, enlightening, honest and essential for young people … and old. A ‘must- hear’ heartwarming experience.
Daphne Kuhn, Theatre Producer
Theatre on the Square
Part play, part talk, part trigger videos, part trigger images, part monologue, part dialogue but entirely entertaining, enrapturing and moving.
Lorraine Srage, Principal
King David High School, Linksfield
This presentation is a much needed platform that encourages discussion on a usually taboo and distasteful subject.
Bryan Hill, General Manager
Teatro Montecasino
This has started important conversations within the school community as well as ignited ideas for much-needed campaigns.
Meryl Malkin, Head Counsellor,
King David High School, Linksfield
I came to listen. What I heard was a game changer.
Larry Chimes, Attorney
Chimes Law
Raw, authentic and relevant. Being witness to the incredible vulnerability of Bryan and Clinton and the choices they made was a privilege.
Jenny Gobetz, HOD, Social Work Department
King David High School, Linksfield
Every workplace can benefit from this kind of presentation. The takeaways are gold for HR departments having to deal with these issues.
Steven Campbell
Innoventions, Inc.
Life Changing and Changing Lives! A rare and authentic privilege. A brave story that should be heard by all.
Shelly Freinkel, Head of School
King David Primary School, Linksfield
Your story makes me weep. Brave. Cathartic. Relatable.
Lynn Joffe
This powerful performance dialogue between the two individuals gave our students further insight into the hurt and harm associated with bullying that takes place in schools.
Andrew Baker, Principal
King David High School, Victory Park
Hard-hitting, thought-provoking.
Richard Mulholland, Global Speaker
Founder: Missing Link
As a psychologist who has worked with both bullies and victims, I recommend this moving presentation. It is honest and thought- provoking and I think their story resonates with all of us.
Nicole Canin
Riveting, astounding, revealing, insightful, and incredibly thought-provoking.
Joseph Gerassi
Executive Head, Redhill School
A hard-hitting performance tackling issues that are hard to talk about, but so very important. Thank you for adapting the performance and making it accessible to Deaf learners.”
Ingrid Parkin, Principal
St. Vincent School for the Deaf
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Meet Bryan Schimmel and Clinton Fein, the duo behind the revolutionary presentation/performance that has captivated audiences across schools, conferences, and corporations alike, rewriting the narrative of victimhood and bullying.

Bryan Schimmel

Bryan Schimmel is a celebrated and multi-award-winning music director, arranger, and musical performer in South Africa who has conducted major productions across the globe.

Clinton Fein

Clinton Fein is a renowned writer and artist who has lived in the USA for the past 38 years. He has exhibited his work in major cities around the world. He is also an activist who has successfully championed social issues against the US Navy and the US Government before the US Supreme Court.

Transforming Pain into Power: A Remarkable Journey


The Background

Bryan and Clinton's story begins at a high school where bullying was an all-too-common occurrence. Bryan, once a victim of relentless bullying, and Clinton, the bully who used violence and vitriol to deflect from his own insecurities, were both bound by an experience that would eventually impact the trajectory of their lives.


The Reconciliation

It was only decades later before an unexpected reconciliation uncovered their shared vulnerabilities and discovered the potential for growth and transformation, which they turned into a powerful and unique presentation.


The Presentation

They share their personal stories with raw honesty, revealing the pain and regret that drove them to confront their past actions and decisions. Their critically acclaimed performance is an emotional journey that resonates deeply with audiences, sparking conversations about empathy, forgiveness, and the true cost of bullying.


Bullying in the Workplace

RE:BULLYING provides insights into the physical, psychological, and emotional harm caused by bullying. It takes a deeper dive into corporate bullying – what it is and how it manifests in both micro and macro aggressions.

The presentation elaborates on the hidden costs of bullying, and the benefits and tangible outcomes of managing bullying including improved morale, enhanced productivity, and more supportive and enriching environments.

Bullying at School

The RE:BULLYING presentation and complementary workshops addressing school bullying have proven to be highly effective in creating a powerful and positive impact on learners, teachers, parents, and administrators.

This comprehensive program focuses on raising awareness, building empathy and establishing a safe and inclusive school environment through conflict resolution strategies that involve all stakeholders.

The #iWas campaign

Join us in a transformative journey of self-awareness and change.

In our quest to reduce the harm from bullying, we invite you to take a moment to reflect on your own experiences.

Were you once a bully, a victim, or a bystander? Your story can inspire change, healing, and empathy. Together, let's #BreakTheSilenceOnBullying! #Iwas #IWasABully #IWasAVictim #IWasABystander

The Presentation That Changed Everything

The impact of their initial presentation was so profound that Bryan and Clinton were inundated with requests for encores.

What began as a one-time performance blossomed into a career as they adapted their presentation to accommodate the different schools, conferences, and corporations inviting them to deliver their presentation.

Audiences are drawn to their authenticity, moved by their story of redemption, and inspired to tackle the pressing issue of bullying head-on. So much so the National Arts Council of South Africa funded five presentations to underprivileged schools, this included St. Vincent’s School for the Deaf, using sign language interpreters. 

Evolving Insights into Workshops

Recognizing the potential for lasting change, Bryan and Clinton have partnered with renowned Coach on Call to expand their reach. Headed by Jordan Grey, Coach on Call provides training and coaching to staff and executives in various sectors by developing and offering world-class, custom-designed training products and coaching systems.

We have designed RE: BULLYING workshops providing actionable solutions to schools and businesses, equipping them with the tools to address bullying and its far-reaching consequences.

Our approach focuses on victim empowerment and delves into the psychology of bullies, seeking to address the root causes of such behavior.

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